Posts de Benjamin Dickins
Sunday 02 March – Proper Planning & Preparation etc Takes Time …
My last blog, 2 weeks ago, said that we were focusing on the refurb of Hayloft and that has been my principal task. In the blog, I said that the intention was to do all the preparation prior to starting to repaint. That preparation has taken longer than anticipated! You will have seen from one…
Lire la suiteSunday 16 February – Hayloft revamp begins
This week will be a pretty short blog although that’s not because we have been idle! I mentioned last week that we are starting the year with a new project which was giving our couples’ gîte, Hayloft, a bit of TLC, and this has been the focus of our major efforts. When we arrived in…
Lire la suiteSunday 09 February – 2025 Project Work Starts Now!
My last blog was some weeks ago and, generally when there is a gap at this time of year, it means that we have taken some time for ourselves and have been on a bit of a holiday. This year we did almost exactly what we had two year’s ago and drove south to the…
Lire la suiteSunday 19 January – Ahead of the Game
Last week’s blog was relatively short as my sole focus had been to de-rig the Christmas decorations. This week’s will be shorter still as that has remained my principal effort. This time last week, I had cleared our own house and had almost finished those in Granary. I said that it was my hope that…
Lire la suiteSunday 12 January – De-Rig-er!
I mentioned in my last blog that the weather forecast for last week was due to be pretty poor, and so it turned out. This week’s blog will be quite short. Thankfully, my focus was all internal starting to take down all the Christmas decorations. The only disadvantage of putting up so many decorations, is…
Lire la suiteSunday 5 January 2025 – Happy New (10) Years
Bonne année à tous ! Apologies for not posting a blog last week. In my previous blog, I said that we hoped to relax and enjoy Christmas to the full, evidently I was too busy relaxing to write a blog! We hope you all had good Christmases and have started the 2025 happy and healthy. …
Lire la suiteSunday 22 December – Joyeux Noël
As last week, the past 7 days have been taken up with preparations for Christmas. Thankfully Priory was complete in time to welcome our first guests last Tuesday who had a short break staying with us for a couple of nights. With Priory decorated, I was able to progress Hayloft (guests arrived on Wednesday night)…
Lire la suiteSunday 15 December – Oh Deer!
In my last blog I said that I had started to decorate the gîtes for Christmas and that has been my principal focus for the week. I also said that the pool project had reached a crucial stage with the terrace being the next step although it couldn’t be laid if it were wet of…
Lire la suiteSunday 8 December – We’re Back
Many apologies for not posting a blog since 10th November. The reason being we have been back in the UK for a couple of weeks to catch up with friends and family and celebrate a very good friend’s 50th birthday. As such, this will be a short blog but will let you know we’re alive(!)…
Lire la suiteSunday 10 November – Remembering (last week)
Much of this week’s blog may sound similar to last week. The forecast was pretty much the same although turned out to be drier and brighter. Much of the work we completed was also similar and, thankfully, as I had hoped in last week’s blog, I did manage to complete a couple of tasks I’d…
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