Posts de Benjamin Dickins
Sunday 17 April – A Seventh ‘P’ – Peeved!
Happy Easter or, with our activities of the last week, should that be Merry Christmas? I’ll explain later. Last week’s blog explained that my focus was realising the Six ‘P’s of work to ensure we get the best result possible. This week, I have found a seventh ‘P’ (and I’ve used the family-friendly one rather…
Lire la suiteSunday 10 April – Six ‘P’s one ‘R’ and an ‘A’ & ‘E’
One of the many tedious and trite ‘Management’ mantras that everyone is likely to be aware of, is the Six ‘P’s. These, with one ‘R’, sum up my activities of the last week. I apologise that there are very few pictures however, so I will keep this brief! The last blog mentioned that there is…
Lire la suiteSunday 03 April – What A Difference a Week Makes
My last blog was after an extended period away which, I mentioned usually means that we have been away from Kergudon. The absence of a blog last Sunday was not however as we’d been travelling (twice in a month would be excessive), but because we had been making the most of the amazing weather we…
Lire la suiteSunday 20 March – Interesting Times
It has been exactly a month since I last wrote a blog – sorry! Of course, this means that the Granary renovations are now all complete and the gîte is looking fantastic again. Er, not quite! As previously when I haven’t blogged, we have been away on a little break. This time, as previous years…
Lire la suiteSunday 20 February – AMPle Things to Do
I didn’t post a blog last week as I didn’t think that there had been so much progress to update and, again, certainly nothing that made for attractive pictures. I’m not sure there is much different this week! Pascal has continued to work in Granary although, as is the nature of what he’s doing, there…
Lire la suiteSunday 06 February – Watt to do?
This week’s blog is similar in content to last in that our electrician has spent most of the week pressing on with the Granary re-wiring, and I have been working on various other projects as I can’t get into the gîte to start redecorating. It is also similar in that the photos aren’t wildly inspiring(!)…
Lire la suiteSunday 30 January – Where’s this year going …?
Last week’s blog said that our electrician would be arriving on Monday to start the major re-wiring work. He did, in the afternoon, and then promptly disappeared for 2 days! In his defence, Monday was more discussion between us about what we want to achieve and how, so that he could then put together he…
Lire la suiteSaturday 23 January – Rendered Useless
Last week’s blog stated that we had started the year’s major project which is a refurbishment of our family gîte, Granary. It said that the risk of projects like these was that they were prone to mission creep as you discover additional problems when you rip out kitchens and bathrooms. One we discovered 2 weeks…
Lire la suiteSunday 16 January – Stripping Off
While last week’s blog was a summary of things we had achieved in 2021, it mentioned that we had a number of projects planned for this year. The first, and probably the largest, is a refurbishment of Granary similar to that we undertook in Priory in 2020. Granary is one of our 2 family gîtes. …
Lire la suiteSunday 9 January – Twenty Twenty Won
Normally, I would use either the first or last blog of the year to round up what we had achieved in the preceding 12 months – as much to remind David and I what we have done as anything else. As I haven’t done that yet, I hope you don’t mind if I do so…
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