Posts de Benjamin Dickins
Sunday 17 March – Everybody needs good neighbours
Thankfully, the weather has continued to be kind and, despite the poor forecast and outlook when I wrote last week’s blog, there have been a number of dry days that enabled me to continue some of the work I had begun last week. That was focussing my attention on the south west corner of the…
Lire la suiteSunday 10 March – More-tensia
Having said in last week’s blog that the ratio between wet and dry days was beginning to improve the start of this week began a little damp again. It forced me to remain indoors and, finally, complete the major project of taking down all the Christmas decorations and pack them away in the store room. …
Lire la suiteSunday 03 March – Not so much of a ‘leap’ forward
Sunday 03 March – Not so much of a ‘leap’ forward Last week’s blog said that 2024 has begun in a similar manner as 2023 did – wet and, at times, blustery. As February gave way to March, the UK Met Office published data that showed February 2024 had been the wettest month on record. …
Lire la suiteSunday 25th February – Soggy Doggies
The last sentence of my previous blog said that the forecast for the start of the week was for drier weather. It was – for a day! On that dry Monday I continued to cut hedges and completed the longer of the 2 which surround Granary’s garden. It is one where honey-fungus is slowly taking…
Lire la suiteSunday 18 February – No Time Like the Presents
I am pleased to say the last 7 days have been much more productive and also more fun than the previous few. Perhaps more fun, isn’t quite accurate, but it has been a week of gift giving. Last Monday (12th) was David and my anniversary. We’ve made it to 14 years in our relationship (somehow!)…
Lire la suiteSunday 11 February 2024 – See Last Title!
At the end of my last blog 2 weeks ago, I said that we were due to enter a dry period and we had a daunting number of tasks that we need to get our teeth into. You can draw your own conclusions about how well we did that by the fact that I didn’t…
Lire la suiteSunday 28 January – The Year Starts Here
At the end of my last blog, which was written way back on 7th January, I mentioned that there was unlikely to be another for a couple of weeks. The reason being, as I suspect some may have worked out, we have been away for a short break. Autumn and winter are our quietest times…
Lire la suiteSunday 07 January – 2023: The Year of the Windy Duck
Sunday 07 January – 2023: The Year of the Windy Duck We hope you all enjoyed your New Year celebrations whatever you were doing and wherever you were celebrating – or just giving it a stiff ignoring! David and I spent the evening of 31st here with friends and David’s Dad who had stayed over…
Lire la suiteSaturday 30 December – Bonne Année
Having written my previous blog last Saturday, so that I didn’t need to on Christmas Eve, I had to do it in a bit of a hurry. Having re-read it, it became clear that my spelling and grammar, not perfect at the best of times, suffered! Also, force of habit made me write that it…
Lire la suiteSunday 23 December – Joyeux Noël
I promised last Sunday that I would try and write a Saturday blog with tomorrow, and next Sunday, being significant dates. I have managed, but will keep it short! We have had a productive week and think we are now definitely back on track for our schedule for the festive period – that’s not to…
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