Sunday 07 February – Next of Kin – dling
Last week’s blog said that I had been spending hours splitting the vast amounts of waste wood that have been accumulating in our garage bays as a result of all of our projects. This had the advantage of clearing the garage while keeping me dry and not churning up the lawn too much transporting the…
Sunday 31st January – Kindling in the rain, just kindling in the rain
For the last week both I, and the weather, have been predominantly doing one thing. For me it has been to continue clearing the garage bays. For the weather it is raining, almost constantly. There had been a few wet weeks prior to Christmas when we felt that there was more standing water on the…
Sunday 24 January – Chaos, Clutter, Clear and Clean
Last week’s blog said that after a slow start to the year we planned to kick back into action with our extensive work list this week. And we have. The first tasks have been to do some of the essential things required before we can actually move onto the projects themselves and that is sorting…
Sunday 17 January – Notivation
Last week’s blog said that we (I) had made a slow start to 2021 and hadn’t made much (any) progress on our long list of projects and things to do. This week I have progressed … none. Again. Unlike previous years there is no major task to be progressed immediately. Last year we had the…
Sunday 10 January – Slow Start
Looking back over the last week I have to admit that we’re making a slow start to 2021. That is perhaps not ideal when we have a long list of projects to accomplish and things we want to progress. I haven’t spoken about my ‘To Do’ list for some time but, rest assured it continues…
Sunday 03 January 2021 – That Was the Year That Was
Well, that was quite a year. My last blogs of the year, or sometimes the first, have been a summary of the major things we have achieved in the previous 12 months. I do this more to remind Dave and I of what we have done but hope they are of interest to others. I…
Sunday 27 December – Happy Christmas, Silly ChristM&S
I have to say, I am surprised I am able to write a blog today. Having seen the recent forecasts and the predicted strength of the winds we should have experienced in Storm Bella, I had every expectation that we would have lost at least power if not just internet in the carnage that could…
Sunday 20 December – Normal service will be resumed …
In my last blog, I gave you a promise that I would post a blog today. Perhaps that was rash of me and should be treated as a ‘politician’s promise’! I said also there that was lots to do before we wind down for Christmas and that, with the travel restrictions lifted, we hoped to…
Sunday 13 December (Sort of!) – Winter Wonderland
Apologies for not posting a blog last night. I was a bit behind my ‘wanted to have completed by now’ list (I have lots of lists!) and wanted to wait until we had finished decorating our own home. The last blog, 2 weeks ago, said that I would have more splitting and shredding to be…