Sunday 21 June – The Longest Day
To begin, my apologies for not posting a blog for the last 2 Sundays. Not completely my fault. The first Sunday (7 June) I did decide not to write a blog as the progress we had made in Priory didn’t make for great photos. Last Sunday we were without phone and internet at home –…

Sunday 31 May – Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot
Having outlined lots of reasons why Kergudon is the perfect place to come for a ‘post’ COVID-19 family holiday in last week’s blog, one thing I did not include, although should have, was weather. Today, the last day of May and still spring, the growing season, we have had less than 10mm of rain in…

Sunday 24 May – The New Normal for Holidays
This week, rather than outline what we have achieved in the last 7 days as we would normally do, we thought it would be good to outline why we think a trip to Kergudon is the perfect family holiday in the post-COVID world. I say ‘post’ COVID but, in reality, when things get back to…

Sunday 17th May – Let there be Light
I mentioned at the end of last week’s blog that France was beginning to come out of confinement and that we would definitely be able to make progress in Priory. Thankfully, we have. As movement restrictions were lifted Pascal, our electrician, came at 0830 on Monday morning and has been working all week. Worryingly, despite…

Sunday 10 May – End of an Era
Apologies for not posting a blog last week. Looking back at the preceding week it was another one of those ‘pottering’ type weeks when you progress a number of little things but no real major milestones. The last blog I did write was after we’d scarified the orchard and Granary lawns and I said that…

Sunday 26 April – Raking it in!
We have had much less pottering in the last 7 days than the previous week and have managed to complete one significant task, make good progress on 2 others and I even spent a couple of days back in Priory. The Priory work was, again, relatively minor and involved lots of preparation for painting in…

Sunday 19th April – Four More
So, despite saying in last week’s blog that I would once again focus my attention to Priory, that hasn’t happened. We have actually had a much quieter week and I have done more ‘pottering’ than focus on any major task. For the start of the week the weather, frustratingly, remained dry and hot, which was…

Sunday 12 April – Joyeuses Pâques
Happy Easter to everyone. It has been an odd weekend in that, being the first holiday of the year we would normally have guests in the gîtes but, with the travel restrictions in place, we are obviously empty but it has felt even quieter than previously. The movement limitations have seen a cancelation of all…

Sunday 5 April – Spring Drought
Last week’s blog said that the dry weather would allow us to complete the shredding of our felled sycamores and get back to work in Priory. Neither turned out to be the case! The weather did remain dry and we did continue the shredding. The blog said that there were probably 3 days left to…