Sunday 12 January – No Going Back
I mentioned at the end of last week’s blog that once we had completed taking down all of the Christmas decorations we would start emptying Priory of all its furniture and furnishings in preparation for its refurbishment. And this is exactly what we have been doing this week. We did manage to pack away all…

Sunday 05 January – New Year, New Projects
Happy New Year to everyone. We hope that you all marked the arrival of 2020 as you would wish and the New Year has begun well. We have had a gentle week and saw the New Year in with our guests in Priory who invited us for a few drinks which, inevitably, led to us…

Sunday 29 December – Bonne année
Normally in this last blog post of the year, I would do a quick summary of the work and projects we have completed in the last 12 months. With such a damp autumn I am worried that the list maybe a shorter one this year than previously but, not having had the chance to go…

Sunday 22 December – Deck the Halls
We’re back. I mentioned in my last, misdated, blog that there wouldn’t be much progress at Kergudon for a couple of weeks and indeed there hasn’t. The reason is that David and I have taken a short break (I won’t use the term holiday!) back in the UK on a pre-Christmas tour of friends and…

Sunday 01 November – Fire & Ice-ing
A very brief blog this week as we have not completed too many tasks at Kergudon and the autumn has continued to be as unproductive at the end as it was at the start! I mentioned last week that a repair I had tried to make with a dishwasher – our own – hadn’t…

Sunday 24 November – Chop, chop, mow
Last week’s blog started with our frustration that the weather this autumn has been wet, really wet, and ended with the slight hope that there would be a short break in the near-continuous deluge. Thankfully, it turned out that the start of the week remained dry for 3 whole days! This meant that, while the…

Sunday 17 November – Raining champions
My last blog, 2 weeks ago, said that I was officially bored with the weather. Unfortunately that boredom has become a deep despondency as we have had no let up since – hence no blog last week and no photos this week. While we haven’t had Fishlake levels of ground water, and we feel deeply…

Sunday 03 November – Rain, rain go away!
I am now officially bored with the autumnal weather this year. Ever since we moved to Brittany in 2015, the autumns have been periods of beautifully crisp, clear, sometimes sunny days with minimal rainfall. This year it seems to be making up for the last 4 and has continued to be wet, windy and generally…

Sunday 27th October – Danshari
Last week I didn’t post a blog as the ‘Breton’ weather meant that we hadn’t made any great leaps forward. In the apology I posted on Facebook I said that the forecast for the last 7 days was ‘actually pretty good’ and so I had hoped to have a lot to update. However, the fair…