Sunday 21st January – Grange Grinds On …
Remembering our desire to get Grange completed as quickly as we could in 2018, I am afraid that last week was (again) spent entirely on that goal. I had 2 things that I could progress and what I focussed on depended to a large extent on the weather which has been pretty awful – as…

Sunday 14th January – Staying in the (Tongue &) Groove
This week has been focussed on one activity (as so many weeks have been in the last few months!) which was continuing with work on Grange. In last week’s blog I stated that, all being well, I would have all of the internal cladding complete by now – and I would have done had I…

Sunday 7th January – Storming New Year
We hope you all enjoyed whatever activities it is you were doing to see in 2018 and that you have a happy, healthy and rewarding year. We saw the New Year in with friends in Quimper and had a pretty amazing light show overnight – not because of impressive fireworks but because 2018 began pretty…

Sunday 31st December – Bonne Année
Sunday 31st December – Bonne Année We hope that everyone has had a fabulous Christmas and are not too fatigued and sated for New Year celebrations today! I generally love this period between Christmas and New Year as a week when it doesn’t matter if very little gets done and, as my blog last week…

Sunday 24th December – Joyeux Noël
Sunday 24th December – Joyeux Noël My last blog seemed so long ago – and I apologise that I didn’t stick to my word and resume last Sunday but, hopefully, better late than never! In the month since my last blog we have spent a couple of weeks back in the UK doing a quick…

Sunday 26th November
As promised in last week’s blog, this week would be mainly focussing on the lambris and sharing some pictures with you. I did mention that the progress has been slow and, despite my wish to be able to focus on that and just that, we did a number of other things too. As such, the…

Sunday 19th November – What Else Wood I Do?
Last week’s blog said that my focus would be continuing with the lambris in the upstairs rooms of Grange, and that there were many days’ worth of work left to complete. I was right on both counts! It did also say that the forecast was to be dry and fantastic for autumn – that also…

Sunday 12th November – Getting Crafty
Last week’s blog said that the focus for the coming days would be dependent on the weather which turned out to be very mixed and prevented anything outside. Thankfully there was plenty to be getting on with upstairs in Grange which has been the sole focus of the week. I did say that there was…

Sunday 5th November – Remember, Remember
Last week’s blog mentioned that I hadn’t had the most productive week as we were enjoying the company of our friends – thankfully this week has seen a lot more achieved. While it did say that I had completed the wood store, I said that the plan was to continue digging around Grange so that…