Sunday 29 January – Hitting the Roof
Sunday 29 January – Hitting the Roof Firstly, apologies for the delay in posting. My promise to post every week unless forewarned otherwise was dependent on France Telcom ensuring we have access to the internet! All weekend it appears that the entire village has been cut off from the outside world with no phone line…

Sunday 22 January – The Big Chill
As I stated at the end of last week’s blog, Monday turned out to be the worst weather day of the week which prevented us from making any progress on the garage. As it was wet I wasn’t able to progress our rear wall as it would have been too muddy, but it did allow…

Sunday 15 January – Spirits of Finistere
Sunday 15 January – Spirits of Finistere Having stated in last week’s blog that I would aim to get an average of 400 readers for each blog I was really pleased to see that my Facebook post telling people I had posted a blog was seen by 581! Not having posted anything since the end…

Sunday 08 January – Belated Bonne Année
Sunday 08 January – Belated Bonne Année A belated Happy New Year to everyone. I can’t believe that I haven’t posted a blog since the 27th November – many apologies. We hope that everyone had an amazing Christmas and a fabulous New Year whatever you got up to. The reason I haven’t written a blog…

Sunday 27 November – Wir sind Deutscher
Last week’s blog said that progress had slowed on the garage principally because the weather had been so wet but also because we were waiting on a wood delivery from the builders’ merchants. This week started with similar drizzle which thankfully dried up from Wednesday and, when we got back from school on Thursday, we…

Sunday 20 November – Water, water (almost) everywhere
Another weather affected week which has led to sporadic progress on the garage. While, in a perfect world, we would have preferred to build in the drier months the builder we have chosen to use is in high demand so wasn’t available, and we were conscious that we didn’t want to make too much noise…

Sunday 13 November – To Do-ing
As anticipated at the end of last week’s blog, the weather was considerably wetter and colder than we had enjoyed previously which has meant we have made much more limited progress on our garage than the previous week. It has however allowed us to focus on other tasks on our ever expanding ‘To Do’ list…

Sunday 06 November – Getting into Hot Water
This week has again been entirely focussed on the main project – the garage – and, while we haven’t enjoyed such amazing weather we have been able to make more good progress and, on 2 of the garage bays, we have got the wooden frame up to roof level. At the end of Day 1…

Sunday 30 October – Season of Mortar and Mellow Fruitful Progress
Last week’s blog said that we had sat down and generated a ‘To Do’ list for the next 12 months which stood at 103 separate tasks. This week we have worked on a number of these items and have managed to get that list to … 112!! Trouble being that we manage to think of…