Sunday 03 March – Not so much of a ‘leap’ forward
Sunday 03 March – Not so much of a ‘leap’ forward Last week’s blog said that 2024 has begun in a similar manner as 2023 did – wet and, at times, blustery. As February gave way to March, the UK Met Office published data that showed February 2024 had been the wettest month on record. …
Sunday 25th February – Soggy Doggies
The last sentence of my previous blog said that the forecast for the start of the week was for drier weather. It was – for a day! On that dry Monday I continued to cut hedges and completed the longer of the 2 which surround Granary’s garden. It is one where honey-fungus is slowly taking…
Sunday 18 February – No Time Like the Presents
I am pleased to say the last 7 days have been much more productive and also more fun than the previous few. Perhaps more fun, isn’t quite accurate, but it has been a week of gift giving. Last Monday (12th) was David and my anniversary. We’ve made it to 14 years in our relationship (somehow!)…
Sunday 11 February 2024 – See Last Title!
At the end of my last blog 2 weeks ago, I said that we were due to enter a dry period and we had a daunting number of tasks that we need to get our teeth into. You can draw your own conclusions about how well we did that by the fact that I didn’t…
Sunday 28 January – The Year Starts Here
At the end of my last blog, which was written way back on 7th January, I mentioned that there was unlikely to be another for a couple of weeks. The reason being, as I suspect some may have worked out, we have been away for a short break. Autumn and winter are our quietest times…
Sunday 07 January – 2023: The Year of the Windy Duck
Sunday 07 January – 2023: The Year of the Windy Duck We hope you all enjoyed your New Year celebrations whatever you were doing and wherever you were celebrating – or just giving it a stiff ignoring! David and I spent the evening of 31st here with friends and David’s Dad who had stayed over…
Saturday 30 December – Bonne Année
Having written my previous blog last Saturday, so that I didn’t need to on Christmas Eve, I had to do it in a bit of a hurry. Having re-read it, it became clear that my spelling and grammar, not perfect at the best of times, suffered! Also, force of habit made me write that it…
Sunday 23 December – Joyeux Noël
I promised last Sunday that I would try and write a Saturday blog with tomorrow, and next Sunday, being significant dates. I have managed, but will keep it short! We have had a productive week and think we are now definitely back on track for our schedule for the festive period – that’s not to…
Sunday 17 December – A Gîte for all Seasons
Having promised, at the end of my last blog, to write again last Sunday, you may have noticed I didn’t manage to get anything written. That’s not to say we didn’t do anything, but we certainly didn’t do anywhere near as much as we wanted (needed?) and we were perhaps a bit behind the Christmas…