Sunday 13 December
When I wrote last week’s blog we hadn’t seen the extent of the damage caused in the north west of England and especially areas of Cumbria and Glenridding in the Lake District. This is a town that David and I know well from our annual trips there with David’s Dad and friends and it is…

Sunday 6th December – Advent Calendars Counting Down
This week started much as last week concluded – with considerable back pain and confined to the house! This was really frustrating as the weather continued to be ideal to work outside and I really don’t like sitting around doing nothing when there is so much that we need to do … Thankfully I was…

Sunday 29th November – A less active week …
Last week’s blog suggested that this week’s work will depend as much on weather as it did on my back recovering. The good news is that my back did feel much better on Monday and Tuesday morning which allowed me to continue with some of the tasks we needed to do however, on Tuesday afternoon…

Sunday 22nd November
We have been enjoying the Channel 4 series ‘Restoring Britain’s Landmarks’ covering the work of the Landmark Trust in the UK which sadly concluded today. As supporters of such organisations (I have been a member of the National Trust since my parents gifted me a membership over 25 years ago) we are fascinated by the…

Sunday 15th November
I think, before I write this week’s blog, that it is worth taking a couple of minutes to mention the terrible events that took place in Paris on Friday night. This blog is not intended to be political in any way, nor have I chosen to use it to express, what my friends would I’m…

Sunday 8th November – Remembrance Sunday
Sunday 8th November – Remembrance Sunday If I’m being honest, I’m feeling a little fragile as I write this although this is about the best I’ve felt all day. I’m not requesting any sympathy as my condition is all totally self-inflicted after a fun and very late night last night. This week has been much…

Sunday 1st November – Autumn (apparently)
Sunday 1st November – Autumn (apparently) Apparently it became November today – thankfully someone hasn’t told the weather as this weekend has been warmer than most of last August was! Today I was working in the garden and felt the need to remove my top it was so warm, and I was doing something pretty…

After a long absence we’re back …
We’re back! I’m sorry if you’ve missed reading our weekly blog – I like to kid myself that there is an army of readers who sit poised in great anticipation of my weekly missive! The reason for radio silence over the last 6 weeks is a combination of not being at Kergudon for a number…

Sunday 13th September
Like the UK, the position of the Atlantic jet stream has had a significant impact on our weather this summer. While we may not exactly be enjoying an ‘Indian Summer’ now, after a disappointing August, September is thus far turning out to be a rather better month weather-wise which has allowed us to get out…