Sunday 22 October – No Turning Back and Back not Turning
It has been another 2 weeks since I wrote my last blog but things have been happening and we have made the first big strides in our large winter project. When I wrote the last blog we had David’s Dad staying with us and 1 week left to complete the clearance of the old vegetable…

Sunday 08 October – Family, Felling and Fungi
At the end of my last blog, I said that we had just welcomed Dave’s uncle and aunt and were about to welcome my own uncle and aunt who were staying with us with some of their oldest friends who were visiting from upstate New York. It also said that I would write a blog…

Sunday 24 September – Rotten. Luck. Then Rotten Luck
I didn’t post a blog last week as I was working on the single project of clearing the old veg patch that I had started a few weeks ago. While it felt like I was working full time, when I looked back on what I had achieved, all I had to show for it was…

Sunday 10 September – Scorchio!
At the end of last week’s blog, I mentioned that the forecast was looking pretty good. As things turned out it has proven to be the hottest week of the year – and exceptionally, even unpleasantly, humid at times. That said we have managed to get some things done and progress a couple of useful…

Sunday 03 September – Mixed Meteo
As we entered meteorological autumn on Friday (1st September), the weather decided to become exceptionally summery! Today has been in the low 30s and one of the hottest days we have had this year, certainly since June. Since we moved here in 2015, we have found that the late summer / early autumn period tends…

Sunday 27 August – Good Friends, Good Times
Apologies that it has been yet another 2 weeks since my last blog although that is a reflection of how little actual ‘project’ work we have managed to get completed! This is partly down to weather (still); illness and some lovely distractions with friends. The weather has been as mixed over the last 2 weeks…

Sunday 13 August – Warmer Rain
The only reason I feel that we might get to see a summer this year, is that while it doesn’t appear to be raining much less, the wind has dropped and the rain has got a little warmer! This week’s blog won’t therefore be very long but does show that we’re still here if nothing…

Sunday 23 July – Nuclear Decommissioning
The ‘dramatic improvement’ in the weather I had predicted in last week’s blog, mostly as Wimbledon has concluded, hasn’t really materialised! While last week wasn’t as bad as actually forecast, and not as bad as next week is forecast to be(!) I can’t say that summer is here with wall-to-wall sunshine. Thankfully, having spoken to…

Sunday 16 July – SportsMania
Apologies, this would have been posted earlier had it not been for a fairly epic tennis match!! Some progress over the last couple of weeks although my efforts have been interrupted by some predictable, and some less predictable, things. The less predictable has been that the extremely hot weather we were experiencing (I hesitate to…