As last week, the past 7 days have been taken up with preparations for Christmas.
Thankfully Priory was complete in time to welcome our first guests last Tuesday who had a short break staying with us for a couple of nights.
With Priory decorated, I was able to progress Hayloft (guests arrived on Wednesday night) and then Granary.
We are really pleased with how each of them look and we have retained the colour schemes we have used in previous years to match the decoration of the gîtes themselves. This year is also the first year that each gîte has their own door wreath!

Guests arrived in both Priory and Granary yesterday evening and both are now here for Christmas.



I also completed our own house to make it as Christmassy as possible, sadly I wasn’t finished by the time David’s Dad arrived with us on Thursday who will be spending Christmas and New Year with us.
With everything decorated and ready to go, we were able to eat out on Friday night and returned to a restaurant we love in Landerneau, the Bistro du Pont. Our choice was partly because the bistro is a good place to eat, but also because, for the ninth year running, Landerneau have illuminated the town centre for the Christmas period with some wonderful animations.
While this is the ninth year of the Landerneau lights, somehow the first 7 years passed us by and we saw them for the first time last year and thought they were great, so we wanted to make sure we saw them this year.
Despite there being pouring rain for much of the time we were outside looking at the lights, they still looked spectacular and we may try and go back on a drier evening when we can stand for longer!

With no decorating able to be done today, it has been a little more relaxed, although David has been hard at work in the kitchen preparing.
The plan is to be equally relaxed for most of the coming week and enjoying Christmas to the full. After that much depends on the weather and what I feel needs to be worked on first. That can be decided at a later date!
David and I wish everyone, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, a very Happy Christmas.
Joyeux Noël