Sunday 21 July – Moonraker
My last blog mentioned that I had continued the work to clear the old chicken run at the back of the garden. That was 2 weeks ago, and while it perhaps hasn’t been the most productive of fortnights, I have completed everything required of that project. Part of the reason I say it may not…

Sunday 07 July – Can you dig it?
Last week, I had started re-staining the exterior of the windows in Granary while the weather was warm (hot) and dry. I hoped that I would be able to complete this job if the weather remained favourable – and it has. In fact, we are starting to get a little concerned about this continued heat…

Sunday 30 June – Bananas Hot
At the end of last week’s blog, I said that I wasn’t sure what this week would bring but that there was a lot to do. Turns out what it did bring was lots and lots of heat! Thankfully, being in the north west, we have not had quite such high heat as Paris and…

Sunday 23 June – Droning On
In last week’s blog I shared some pictures of the Stable having completed the refurbishment but you would have seen that we hadn’t refurnished it. We had the first 3 days of last week to do that before our guests arrived on Wednesday evening (there’s nothing like working to a deadline!) We gave the space…

Sunday 16 June – We’re Official!
Last week’s blog didn’t contain any images as the refurbishment of Stable wasn’t complete. This week’s does and, while we have not yet refurnished the gîte, all of the decoration in the main space is finished and it looks excellent. I mentioned last week that painting the ceiling had taken longer than we anticipated owing…

Sunday 09 June – Stable condition
A really short blog this week, and with no pictures, as I want to leave the big reveal of the refurbished Stable until next week. Partly because it will be a larger change but mostly because it isn’t finished yet! It has been much slower progress than I had hoped (sound familiar?!) especially painting the…

Sunday 02 June – Strong and Stable
Firstly, my apologies for not posting a blog last week – and not saying that I wouldn’t. Also, don’t get excited with the main picture – we haven’t got a new puppy! Why, later. I had intended to post something but it would have been fairly short, without many images and run along the lines…

Sunday 19 May – Box and Bar
Last week’s blog said that I anticipated a productive week and I think I am happy with what I achieved. I am certainly happy with the outcome of the jobs. With the weather having been pretty good for most of the week, dry at least if not as warm as we’d like, we have managed…

Sunday 12 May – Totally Bucked
Last week’s blog said that my efforts would depend on two things – the weather, and the decision we make regarding my duff chainsaw. In the end we did as we thought we might, in that we have opted to buy the same, cheaper, brand of chainsaw rather than fork out a much larger sum…