Sunday 29th October – The Tour is Coming
Last week’s blog ended saying that we would have some exciting news about the route of the Tour de France in 2018 … That news is that the Tour is coming to our commune and will pass through the centre of Sizun, only 7 kms from us. The route for next year’s tour was published…

Sunday 22nd October – Life of Brian
Sunday 22nd October – Life of Brian This week has been a mix of highs and lows. Geographical highs and meteorological lows to be more precise. I titled last week’s blog ‘Wiring done, winds to come’ as ex-hurricane Ophelia was forecast to create strong winds near us. Thankfully, other than some slightly windier conditions, Ophelia…

Sunday 15th October – Wiring done, winds to come …
I mentioned in last week’s blog that we had been enjoying the company of family visitors for the previous couple of weeks and that continued last week with David’s parents staying with us. As such, it has been a mix of social and productive with some fabulous meals enjoyed at home and in some of…

Sunday 8th October – Family Fun
I guess I need to start this week’s blog with an apology as I didn’t publish anything last week. Despite having made my New Year’s Resolution last January ‘promising’ only to skip weeks if I say so in advance, I am fairly happy that I made it to the 1st October before breaking my resolution…

Sunday 24th September – Levellers and Diggers
Having said in last week’s blog that we were feeling particularly fatigued the previous week we did pick up tasks last week with the renewed vigour that was required. This was helped by the fact that the weather improved greatly and we had a number of warm, dry, days which allowed me to cut the…

Sunday 17th September – Come on Aileen (I know – its Eileen!)
This will be a very short blog, without photos, as, to be honest, it probably hasn’t been the most productive of weeks. This has been partly due to the weather and partly as both David and I have been feeling extremely worn out. The weather has been particularly boring in terms of preventing me getting…

Sunday 10th September – Collared
Last week’s blog said that again I had 2 tasks to progress and what I did depended to a large degree on the weather. It also stated that with the arrival of September and autumn we saw the arrival of damp and drizzly conditions. Sadly these continued for most of last week meaning I focussed…

Sunday 3rd September – Automne
I can barely believe that it is the start of September already and so the start of meteorological autumn, and almost overnight the weather has turned suitably autumnal. I like this time of the year possibly the most as it can create some lovely views with the early morning mists covering the hills and the…

Sunday 27th August – More play than work!
In last week’s blog I listed a number of tasks that I hoped to progress during the week but did say that our good friends were remaining with us and that not everything was likely to get done. I was right – and you can probably guess which of those didn’t get completed! I did…