Sunday 07 August – Cat’s Back …
Sunday 07 August – Cat’s Back … Thank you to David who acted as ‘guest blogger’ a couple of weeks ago. We hoped you enjoyed his first post (but not so much as to want David to write the blog every week …!) I am now back from a short trip to the UK, the…

Sunday 24th July – While the cats away…..
With beautiful blue skies and soaring temperatures the last week has been truly beautiful at Kergudon. As a result of the weather, the Lac Du Drennec has become even more attractive and we started the week with an early morning dip from the beach next to Au Lac restaurant. The water in the lake was…

Sunday 17 July – Another Sad Week for France
Firstly, I would like to say how shocked we have been with the events that took place in Nice on Thursday night. We are at a loss to explain why France seems so particularly vulnerable to extremist attacks, or so poor in monitoring extremist activity so as to prevent them occurring. Since we have moved…

Sunday 10 July – Slowly, Slowly
Looking back at the last week I have to admit that it has not been as productive outside as I would have liked – although that is not entirely my fault. The first thing to say is that our Boot Room has already got good use from our clients, ourselves (our own, home, washing machine…

Sunday 03 July – Bootiful
In my last blog I said that it appeared we have fallen into the pattern of completing one major task a week and, if that were the case this week’s task would be the boot room which would require a few days more work to complete. I was right on at least the first statement! …

Sunday 26 June – Interesting Times …
What a momentous week for all Brits but especially those of us who have chosen to live in another European country. Two days after the momentous decision the UK has taken to leave the EU we are still trying to understand what impact it is likely to have on us. I have always avoided making…

Sunday 19 June – Summer?
Sunday 19 June – Summer? That will teach me to write in last week’s blog that the hot and sunny weather has made cutting the new flower bed more difficult as, almost ever since the blog was published it has been raining and very un-June-like weather. Of the three tasks I had listed that I…

Sunday 12 June – Monsieur Brandon est arrivé
As predicted I wasn’t able to post a blog last week as it was just such an exciting (and busy) day but we have had a very busy, productive (and expensive!) couple of weeks. At the start of the first week we decided to honour the UK public holiday, and enjoy the amazingly hot weather,…

Sunday 29 May – Boot Room progress!!
At last spring has arrived in St. Cadou and we have been enjoying some glorious days of hot weather and long warm evenings allowing us to have our first BBQ of the season (with our newly repaired BBQ) and commission our replacement chiminea. Long may it last! Our wings have been a little clipped this…