Sunday 26 September – Life and Death
I didn’t post a blog last week and we didn’t achieve as much as we’d hoped in the previous 7 days as life has a way of throwing you occasionally. Very sadly, David’s mum passed away quite suddenly and unexpectedly, and we thought that he would go back to the UK to be with his…

Sunday 12 September – Tan-talus
As predicted in my last blog 2 weeks ago, I didn’t write anything last Sunday as I have been focussed on the same activity for 3 weeks – hedge cutting. I have made some good progress but have still not finished the job. This is partly because we have had a number of days when…

Sunday 29 August – Privet Dancer
Last week’s blog said that my focus for the last 7 days would be hedge cutting – if the weather stayed fine and it didn’t disturb our guests. Thankfully, for the most part, that is what I have been able to do so this won’t be a very long blog. The week’s weather has been…

Sunday 22 August – Fitness Sweeeeet
It was not my intention to have another 2-week gap between blogs and I wanted to show you the result of my efforts in David’s gym last Sunday. Sadly, our internet connection, which had proven a little more reliable recently (that’s given it the kiss of death), chose to break last Sunday afternoon and we…

Sunday 08 August – Hitting the Gym
Last week has been focussed on 2 projects so this won’t be too long a blog. Last week’s blog said that my focus would be giving Dave’s gym some TLC before he has a new personal training client start. I said that I hoped to be able to complete it ‘within a week’. Perhaps, I…

Sunday 01 August – Door-dling Progress
It has now been 5 weeks since I actually provided any sort of update on the work we have been doing to progress our many projects. Last week’s blog was principally explaining why I hadn’t blogged for a month (having too much fun) but did say that I would update today. Getting my excuses in…

Sunday 25 July – We’re Still Here!
What is that expression regarding having good intentions ….?? I started my last blog, way back on 27th June, saying that it wasn’t my intention to get into the habit of blogging every 2 weeks and that I will try and do so weekly again. In my defence, it hasn’t been 2 weeks – but…

Sunday 27 June – Not the Snore de France and other sport
Having begun my last blog 2 week’s ago saying that it was never my intention to blog fortnightly, another 2 weeks has passed! I promise this is not a routine I meant to get into and I will endeavour to write weekly again going forward. That of course is dependent on having lots to share…

Sunday 13 June – The Repair Shop
It was never my intention to only blog fortnightly although it has fallen that way in the last month or so. The previous reason was that I had perhaps not made so much progress, this time it was more that, as confinement is being eased, last Sunday we had a large social event to remind…