Sunday 13 October – Store-my Weather
I mentioned at the end of last week’s blog that, while we had made some momentum the previous week, the weather forecast for last week was likely to stall that – and so it proved to be the case. As such, this blog won’t be terribly long … We did experience some damp autumnal weather…

Sunday 6 October – Thorny issue
I said, at the end of last week’s blog, that autumns have often proven to be productive times for us in getting things done – and that it was about time we started making progress again. Thankfully, this week we have made more progress than perhaps any previous one since the start of the summer…

Sunday 29 September – Rakish behaviour
Apologies again for not posting a blog last Sunday. Not within my control this time but a result of being cut off from the internet (again) for a few days. Looking back, it has been a period of slow progress on a number of things with a number of smaller jobs tackled and, this week…

Sunday 15 September – Curiouser and curiouser
My apologies for not posting a blog last week – you will see why shortly. I ended my last blog 2 weeks ago saying that while my Dad and his wife had arrived with us it shouldn’t prevent me progressing work specifically, clearing out the garage that I had eventually gotten around to starting. As…

Sunday 01 September – Already Autumn
I can’t believe that it is already September and so we have begun meteorological autumn today. Thankfully during our time in France, September seems to bring warm and dry weather, at least during the days, and the longer it takes for the evenings and nights to cool off the better. Having made it to September,…

Sunday 25 August – Back to Work (next week …)
I ended last week’s blog saying that there were no excuses for not clearing out the garage bays and starting to fill our serre – although I may be able to find some. Well, here they are …!! Last week was the last when we had some very good friends staying with us so we…

Sunday 18 August – More play than work!
While I didn’t post a blog last week, I can’t say that the previous fortnight has been the most productive of our time here. There are a number of reasons for this, not just because we’ve been lazy(!) Sadly, at least for our guests if not the garden, it hasn’t been the most summery of…

Sunday 4 August – Hedgeonism
At the end of last week’s blog I mentioned that we were due to get some rain but, if it stayed dry, I would be able to start cutting some of the hedges. Both happened. The weather did change at the start of the week and, not only did we get the much-needed rain we…

Sunday 28 July – Going Potty
This week’s blog won’t be terribly long as, while we have done lots of small, bitty little jobs there hasn’t been any great strides on any major projects. This is principally because, again, it has been so hot I wanted to avoid being outside for extended periods. One day was impacted by a morning wasted…