Sunday 20th May – Rock Solid
As last week, we feel like we are making really good progress on a number of tasks and charging (relatively!) through the list of jobs to do and are ticking them off. This has been helped in no small part by the AMAZING weather we have enjoyed for the last 3 weeks which, as long…

Sunday 13th May – Let the Games Commence
Looking back on last week it has been busy, both in terms of guests in the gîtes and work, and we have benefitted from (whisper it quietly) decent spring weather. Even David made the comment today that this spring has been one when we have been able to tick off a number of projects. I…

Sunday 06 May – Complet
Work at the start of the week was focussed on starting to prepare all of our gîtes to accept guests yesterday. On Monday this meant I needed to clear the parking space in front of Stable. Having chopped down the trees on the north end of the orchard bed a few weeks ago, we had…

Sunday 29 April – Bit by Bit
We have just enjoyed another decent week weather-wise, although considerably cooler than earlier in the month. It has meant that another week has passed when I have not continued with the floor in the games room! However, we fully intend to have the games room available for the main season so it will be completed.…

Sunday 22 April – Meteo Madness
Who said Mother Nature doesn’t have a sense of humour? Having planted so many of our new yews in the last couple of weeks, this week has been the first of the year when we have had absolutely no rain! In fact, for at least 4 days the temperatures have been soaring into the upper…

Sunday 15 April – Déja Yew
There is a risk that this week’s blog could sound very similar (exactly the same!) as last week’s, as, again, my focus has been the 2 tasks of continuing the Games Room floor in Grange and planting our yew hedging. To make sure it doesn’t, I will add a calendar of events coming up in…

Sunday 8th April – Hedging: Yew Got It!
This week has been focussed on 2 activities – when we have been working – progressing the floor in Grange’s games room and planting the yews that I showed in last week’s blog. I say when we have been working as the week started slowly being Easter Monday and the Marché sur l’eau. However, before…

Sunday 1st April – Happy Easter to Yew
We have now identified the issue that prevented me adding any images to last week’s blog. It seems that we had reached our storage limit on WordPress and so couldn’t add any more pics. Having spent a day during the week doing some cleaning up and archiving we are now able to add this week’s…

Sunday 25th March – (Still) Waiting for Spring
Apologies that there are no photos with this blog – there seems to be a problem uploading them to WordPress (the platform I use to write the blogs). If anyone is a WordPress expert any advice would be greatly appreciated … I can barely believe that when I was writing last week’s blog it was…