Sunday 16 January – Stripping Off
While last week’s blog was a summary of things we had achieved in 2021, it mentioned that we had a number of projects planned for this year. The first, and probably the largest, is a refurbishment of Granary similar to that we undertook in Priory in 2020. Granary is one of our 2 family gîtes. …

Sunday 9 January – Twenty Twenty Won
Normally, I would use either the first or last blog of the year to round up what we had achieved in the preceding 12 months – as much to remind David and I what we have done as anything else. As I haven’t done that yet, I hope you don’t mind if I do so…

Sunday 02 January – Bonne Année
Happy New Year. We hope you all had very happy Christmases and enjoyed whatever it was you chose to do, if anything, to see in the New Year. In past years, my first blog of January has been a summary of everything we had achieved in the previous 12 months. This year, I will delay…

Sunday 19 December – It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas
I can’t believe that this is the last Sunday, and so my last blog, before we arrive at Christmas. Where has this year gone? I finished my last blog stated that the weather forecast was looking amazing for Christmas and so I should be able to make lots of progress outside. It has been absolutely…

Sunday 12 December – Gutted
I had probably better start with an explanation of my title. Gutted is not a word I like (unless you are speaking of preparing good fish for dinner) as it is generally associated with losing in certain sports which we don’t follow. However, it is possibly appropriate as to how we feel right now as…

Sunday 05 December – Marché jusqu’au marché
For the first time in weeks, I have managed to write a blog a week after the previous one! Sadly, our holiday is already a long distant memory and certainly the barmy warm weather is! I can’t believe that we are already in December however, on the upside it does mean we can get our…

Sunday 28 November – We’re Back
Having said, in my last blog, that I wasn’t going to admit writing fortnightly was a better routine for me, I have made sure that it hasn’t been 2 weeks since my last blog – but 4! This time, I am more than prepared to acknowledge that we have been very lazy for some of…

Sunday 31 October – Spookily Little Progress
I am not going to admit that writing a blog fortnightly is a better routine for me, despite that being the length of time which has passed since my last post! There are, as always, good reasons (well reasons) that this is the case and, despite us promising ourselves that we would have a productive…

Sunday 17 October – A Prickly Situation
Again, it has been a number of weeks since my last blog, and this one won’t be overly long. The last blog had the bad news about David’s Mum’s passing so the following week we were not the most motivated as we were preparing to go back to the UK. It also mentioned that for…