Sunday 28 November – We’re Back
Having said, in my last blog, that I wasn’t going to admit writing fortnightly was a better routine for me, I have made sure that it hasn’t been 2 weeks since my last blog – but 4! This time, I am more than prepared to acknowledge that we have been very lazy for some of…
Read MoreSunday 30 December – Bonne Année
Before I start please be aware that WordPress has updated itself so how I post the blog has changed and it may not look like it usually does! I will see if I can master it but I suspect (hope) it / I will improve in coming weeks! We hope that everyone has had a…
Read MoreSunday 23 December 2018 – Bonnes Fêtes
I mentioned at the end of last week’s blog that our principle activity would be to prepare Kergudon and the gîtes for our guests who have chosen to spend their Christmas here in Brittany (means they didn’t have to risk the Gatwick chaos!) This year is the first that we have guests staying with us in…
Read MoreSunday 23 September – Some Wall Butt more Animals
As hoped in last week’s blog, I have now finished building the wall to the east side of the back entrance. We are really pleased with how it’s turned out and, so far, it hasn’t settled anywhere near as much as the west side did. One of the lessons I learned from building the wall…
Read MoreSunday 15 July – French Celebrations
Sadly, as last week, I haven’t achieved a huge amount on any of our ongoing projects in the last 7 days. Again, this was mostly due to external distractions but also because the weather has remained so hot working outside is difficult. Almost one entire day was spent watering the yews we planted earlier in…
Read MoreSunday 01 July – Drought or Deluge
Last week’s blog ended with a statement that we generally needed to take more time to relax. It also started saying how amazing the weather had been – and looked like it would continue to be. Thankfully, at least for the start of the week, the forecast was correct and the incredibly hot weather continued. …
Read MoreSunday 18th March – I’m Dreaming of a White Easter …
I mentioned at the end of last week’s blog that the weather would (again) determine what I did to a great extent which was true. Today we have seen the return of winter and, having waited until today to take pics of the garden work I have done, everything is under a few inches of…
Read MoreMonday 17 August – A non-renovation focussed life ….
I did start writing this yesterday with every intention of posting on Sunday and reverting to my previous routine however, better late than never … I said in my last blog, 2 week’s ago, that we were in a position with phase 1 renovations complete and guests in all our gîtes, that we couldn’t do…
Read MoreSunday 26th July – Granary Complete – Just
In last week’s blog I was unsure if there was only 1 week’s worth of work left to complete Granary (in reality we had 5 days left) and, if so, how fine we would be cutting things. Now, I know the answer to both these questions. There was more than a week’s worth of work…
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