Sunday 11th June – Topped
Only a short blog this week I am afraid as, again, there has really only been one principle activity – Grange – but we have at least reached a major milestone – the roof is finished and all of the windows are now watertight (subject to test in the next huge downpour not forecast for…

Sunday 4th June – More Grange …
This week has been an odd sort of mix and, while looking back I can’t always immediately recall what we did each day, the time does seem to have passed extremely quickly and we are back at Sunday again. I had intended to assist the Assomniak team dismantle the Fête du Bourg event on Monday…

Sunday 28th May – Glastonbury, Ibiza or Saint Cadou?
Last week’s blog ended with the Sizun Grand Prix as one of the amazing activities that we have near us. This week ends with another – Assomniak’s ‘Fête du Bourg’ in the heart of Saint Cadou. More of that later. Generally this week has been a contrast with last week as we returned to amazingly…

Sunday 21 May – Who needs Monaco?
Last week’s blog said that the forecast was for more ‘Breton’ weather which turned out to be, surprisingly, accurate! This was unfortunate, not just for progress on Grange, but also for David’s uncle and aunt who had come to visit us for the week. We started off making some, slow, progress installing the first of…

Sunday 14th May – Slate surge of activity
As predicted in last week’s blog, practically the only activity that we have made any progress on for the last 7 days is slating the roof of Grange so this will be a very short update. We divided the responsibility between myself and our builder such that Lee got the more complicated parts at the…

Sunday 7th May – May get Grange Finished ….
Another productive week on a number of projects and, thankfully, some long outstanding tasks completed as we continue to work our way through the, ever lengthening, to-do list (I thought they were supposed to get shorter as you did things …) The task list we generated at the end of last year included a number…

Sunday 30th April – Cutting it Fine
A short blog this week despite the last 6 days being another productive period with lots of tasks started, progressed or completed. Thankfully too the weather has broken and today we have had the first day of rain in as long as we can remember which, while not ideal for our guests, is perfect for…

Sunday 23rd April – Fête de St George
Last week’s blog stated that my focus for the week would be to rebuild the fences behind Priory and Granary which had been destroyed by Tempête Zeus last month. What it didn’t mention was that we had been joined by David’s parents that day who had come out to see us for a week and…

Sunday 16th April – Joyeuses Pâques
Sadly still no progress on Grange during the week with a poorly builder and, although there are a number of things that I can do on my own with all my focus on Grange other things don’t get done – and there are always lots of other things that need our attention. This week’s blog…